24 January 2015

Liebster Award Nomination

Hey Guys!
I know I haven't posted in two weeks, but its because i have had a very large college assignment to do (which is completely stressing me out if I'm being quite honest) but this is blog post to say that the wonderful Sally at andallthatfairydust.blogspot.co.uk/ nominated me to do the Liebster award!

The award was set up for bloggers with less than 200 followers and who are just starting out. The award helps bloggers to get to know one another and to help them put their blogs out there, and meet new people from all over the world.

The rules are as follows:
  • Thank and link the person's blog(s) who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominators.
  • Link and nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers. 
  • Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
  • Notify those nominees on all social media and their blogs and link them back to yours so they can answer your questions.
The questions that Sally gave me are:

1. What is your Favourite Quote?
I have many favourite quotes i have covered my college note book with them all, but my all time favourites will have to be "Do more of what makes you happy" and "Peace out, Enjoy life and live the adventure" both of which i found from YouTubers!

2. If you could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of your life what would they be?
The other day my mum got me a new pair of boots and they are the comfiest things i own, I have worn them every day this past week. just glue them to my feet right now!

3. What is your favourite food?
I am a right little foodie i love nearly everything from sweet to savoury, my fevourite though would have to be the ultimate comfort food; pasta bolognese with lots of grated cheese on top!

4. If you were an animal what animal would you be?
I would love to be a penguin, they are my favourite animal and the way they waddle and glide through water is amazing! When I went to London Zoo the most time spent was getting fascinated over these super cute animals!

5. Who is your style idol?
I don't really have a style idol but someone who's fashion sense I absolutely love is Rita Ora that girl can literally pull off anything and wears really bright clothes with out fear!

6. What is your dream place to live?
London, partly because there is always something to do, new discoveries to find and its always so vibrant, but also because my girlfriend lives there!

7. What is your favourite book?
I have recently gotten obsessed with reading, my all time favourite book that i can always just pick up is Fallen by Lauren Kate, I am currently reading Looking for Alaska by John green and I'm really enjoying that too!

8. What is your favourite song at the moment?
At the moment it would have to be "Into the Woods - Prologue" although it is 14 minutes long which is long for only one song it is really catchy and i like it a lot!

9. If you had to choose between real life and fiction where would you rather live?
Real life 100% although I do have an imaginary land inside my head I escape to whenever I feel down or stressed out!

10. What is your favourite childhood memory?
It would have to be the yearly trips to Pontins (kind of like Butlins) or the holiday to Disneyland Paris after I had my operation, both of these hold many happy memories

11. If you could only use one makeup product what would it be?
I am absolutely loving powder foundation is its so quick and easy to use for instant cover ups!

The Bloggers I nominate are:

My Questions for the Nominees
Where in the world do you live?
What inspired you to start your blog?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
If you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
Do you like YouTube and if so who is your favourite YouTuber?
What was your favourite class in school?
What is your favourite movie?
What is your biggest fear?
What job did you want to do when you were younger?
If you could have one person for dinner, dead or alive or famous or not famous, who would you invite?
Before making an important phone call do you rehearse what your going to say or do you just go for it?

Again I just want to thank Sally for nominating me
See you all again soon

6 January 2015

The British Tag

Hey guys!
This is a bonus blog post yay!
This is a tag I found on a blog called A Piece Of Elish, and she tagged every one to to do it (British or not) to do the same. I'm going to to do the same to see if people from other parts of the world can answer these very stereotypical British questions.
Lets go!

How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?

I hardly ever drink tea I'm not a massive lover of it, I'm more of a Starbucks girl which is more american than British. When i do have tea though its not the tea that's setereotypically British, you know the brown kind, I have a green or fruit tea from Twinings.

Favourite part of the roast?

Tough decision, however for me it has to be the Aunt Bessies roast potatoes or yorkshire puddings smothered with lashings of gravy so it all goes soggy. Sounds disgusting I know but it tastes absolutely perfect ooft! 

Favourite dunking biscuit?

I love having a Penguin (strange name i know but they're perfect) or the classic bourbon for hot chocolate time!

Favourite quintessentially British past-time?

Playing lacrosse... jokes I dont even know what lacrosse even is fully i just know its British haha I love internet time (what teenager doesn't) and reading, i know they're not very British because everywhere does it but yupp!

Favourite British word?

I love saying chummy which is another word for a friend.

Cockney rhyming slang?

Apples and pears (it exists) it means going upstairs it amuses me because its fruits being used to mean something non relatable

Favourite British sweet?

Do not kill me, I haven't eaten sweets in years because i physically can not stand what is in them i mean why does gelatin have to exist EW! 

What would your pub be called?

I honestly do not have a clue I've never wanted to be a landlady haha.

No. 1 British person?

The queen! However the people who shaped my childhood and added magic and strange creatures everywhere is pretty much on par... Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and of course JK Rowling yepp Harry Potter!

Favourite shop/ restaurant?

Favourite shop is Primark, hands down as for restaurant it will have to be McDonalds for quickness or as a sit down it will be Chiquito's .

What's the first British song that pops into your head?

Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud, that mans voice is perfect!.

Marmite- love or hate?

100% hate, you can keep your marmite/ vegemite/ yeast extract ew!

I hope you all enjoyed the extra blog post about ye olde British times, like I say I tag everyone to do it! See you all again soon!

5 January 2015

A Very Busy Week

Hey Guys!
So here it is the first blog post of 2015 and what a wild week it has been! Two pantomimes, I've had a trip into the wonderful city of Liverpool, New Years happened and also we have taken down our Christmas decorations!

Let me explain in more detail now!
I'm part of Southport St John Ambulance in my town as a hobby for the last 8 years, this allows me to learn first aid hands on, and allows me to help others in need when they need it the most, as a trainee first aider i can go to local events and do minor first aid but I want to build up and do more county duties as this means i can go into Liverpool and Greater Merseyside to help out on them. 

Because of the festive season it means that lots of pantomimes have been happening at the Little Theatre in my town and we are their primary first aiders, with this we get the choice to sit in and watch the show or sit in the cafe area if we want to, because the show was Dick Whittington literally the only panto i haven't seen in the history of me going to panto's I decided to sit and watch, it was hilarious and well worth watching, they may of even played the odd frozen song (which of course I had to sing along too!) which is why I saw it again as the Christmas season draws to an end!

On Monday me and Jess took our yearly Christmas trip into Liverpool, my favourite place in the North West of England, we went window shopping, blew our money on ice skating (£10 for 45 minutes of hold onto the side of the rink because we were to scared to let go haha!), and even saw Liv from LivandMell on youtube and her blog is oliviacherylx.blogspot.co.uk (go check her out shes amazing at what she does!) even though i got to scared to even say hi!

We normally finish the day by having a little Starbucks date however this plan changed when Louise from sprinkleofglitter.blogspot.co.uk tweeted that her daughter lost her Bagpuss toy somewhere around Liverpool one so off we went to try and find it, after two hours of hunting we had to stop because we needed to get the train back home. It was very fun and even made a few new friends along the way!
Ice boots on and ready to go! (Photo from Jess)
New Years
On Thursday it was the beginning of 2015 i did a main blog post here about looking back on last year and what I'm hoping this year will bring. In my house it is tradition to have a buffet dinner for me and my mum and drink wine and watch TV (mainly the news to see the other countries see in the new year), have a good old laugh and reflect on the year that has just passed by. When the clock strikes midnight we watch the fireworks live from London and drink another glass of wine and of course sing Auld Lang Sign! I honestly can't believe were in 2015 already and this year I am going to be no longer a teenager which is kind of scary! I hope everyone has a very good 2015 and had a good new years day! 

Taking down the Decorations
As i said in this blog post we take down our decorations on the first weekend of January, which of course was this weekend. It was the first year I actually helped  my mum take them down. I did the tree and one of the garlands above the windows. It was a really strange thought because I actually wanted to do it, when normally i hate it; is this a sign that I am growing up!? 

I'm going to leave this blog post here because it is already very long so I will see you all again soon!