24 December 2014

Massive Sorry and Merry Christmas!

Hey guys!
Sorry i haven't posted in a couple of weeks, nothing really interesting has happened for me to blog about, except we put up our Christmas decorations, i know i could of blogged about that at the time but thought I would save it for today where it's Christmas eve.

It is tradition in my house to put the decorations up on the first weekend of December, so these have been up for three weeks already but they wont be coming down until the first weekend in January. I thought I would post a few pictures to show you all how we get ready for the festive season.
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Our Christmas tree which i got to decorate!

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   The lights that go up our stairs

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Who knew we would put popcorn on our tree!?

These are just a few of the things, I have my own Christmas tree in my bedroom and we also have light up garlands above the windows, I tried to take a couple of photos of those but the didn't turn out very well! 

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and i will see you all again soon 

30 November 2014

Southport Christmas Lights Switch On

Hey Guys!
Now here is a post to get everyone in the right old festive mood! 
On Saturday (22nd December) me and Jess went to our towns Christmas Lights switch on! We met up at 1pm grabbed a quick Starbucks and went over to the stage. We got to the barrier as we got there as soon as it started and we were like the only people stood there other than the security, it kind of weirded (that is now a word as of when I'm writing this post!) us out because there was us right at the stage and everyone else was on the pavement. This worked in our favour though because Joel Ross (a radio presenter and ex children's TV presenter, for my slightly older readers in the UK you may remember him being in "Hider in the House" and "Escape from Scorpion Island) ended up speaking to us on stage and so did Myth of Unity who were the first act on!
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Myth of Unity performing
After Myth of Unity finished performing we went round to the back of the stage to meet them and had a super quick conversation before they had to run to go to Blackpool lights switch on as well busy night for them! We then stayed around backstage to try and meet Joel, who I mentioned earlier, and Liz McClarnon who used to be in Atomic Kitten (again another older blast from the past in the UK) in total it took us four hours to pluck up the courage and actually ask them, they were lovely both lovely and we just stood and chatted about how they had a big impact on out childhoods! It is always good to reminisce with the people who made your early years special and see things from their point of view. It was time for a couple of quick photo's and a couple of autographs before they had to go back into the backstage area ready to turn on the lights, which meant for me and Jess it was time for another Starbucks to warm the cockles! 
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                                                                            Me and Joel                                       

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                                                                    Me and Liz 
Along with live acts there were also attractions such as the usual event things Southport has like candy floss and burger vans but also this time we had slightly weirder attractions such as live camels, coming from a girl who has only seen a live camel once in her life and that was back in August this year when me and my mum went to London Zoo, this seriously was so strange and also picture worthy! 
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                     Three wild Camels appear!
As we were walking back to the stage we decided to listen to a strange band that was playing however this decision turned out badly and they ended up "serenading" as Jess calls it just to us, now to everyone else this was hilarious but to me it was kind of terrifying. Like I've mentioned on my previous blog post, I have anxiety which usually flares up when I feel trapped in a crowd of people which was exactly this moment, I did film the experience but its literally just me and Jess laughing and also screaming as we try and get away to safety so i won't post that on here because nobody wants to hear my screams! 
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                                                         Here is the back of the weird band
The whole afternoon was filled with festive cheer, town was packed, we had met celebrities and it was all just a jolly fun time, except for the end the main star there who was Ryan Thomas, who plays Jason Grimshaw in Coronation Street, a popular TV show in the UK, just got in his car and just drove off, no hi, no wave, no nothing, by this time there was a lot of people who wanted to say hi and even when it was only me and Jess who tried talking to him through the barrier when no one else was really around that area all he did was smile. This proved there are people who genuinely are nice to there fans and then there are others who don't really make the bother, but hey there are always negative and positive things to a situation, luckily they were all positive apart from that! 

Anyway I'll leave this post here, ill see you all next week for more festive fun, thank you where ever you are reading.
P.S I have decided that from now on, to give my blog some structure I'm going to post on Sundays as my main posting day, but if something exciting happens ill post in the week too!

18 November 2014

Meeting Alfie Deyes PointlessBlog

Hey Guys!
On Sunday (16th November 2014) i got up super early at 7am to get ready for meeting one of my many YouTube idols, Alfie Deyes, I have waited 3 years to try and meet him and now it finally happened!

                                                             Alfie with girlfriend Zoe!

As some people may know Alfie released a book called "The Pointless Book" back in September along with a book tour which he had to cancel due to safety reasons, because of this he decided to release a couple more dates for London, Birmingham and Manchester, as he didn't want to let his fans down. I went to the Manchester date with my chummy Jess. The signing started at 12 so we had to leave our town at 10 so we could get there in time living about an hour and a half away plus not wanting to be right at the front!

Where the signing was!

We arrived at 11:30 at Old Trafford (Manchester United's football Stadium) which was huge after a minor incident with the Sat Nav deciding to take us the wrong way and saying we had arrived at the destination outside someones house! It didn't feel real, although we got there still early there wasn't that many people there, soon a lot more people arrived and due to anxiety (I'll do a post about that in the future) we had to let them go in front so we were at the back again!

                                                      Me and Jess not long after we arrived!
After a wait of about 6 hours and our only source of entertainment was walking to the toilet which was 5 minutes away around the other side of the stadium through a lot of different tunnels, it was our time!! We were let into the stadium at 5, after a walk up 3 flights we were eventually in the same room and the atmosphere was insane, music was playing Alfie stood up filmed everyone and everyone screamed it didn't feel real at all, WE EVEN MADE IT INTO ALFIE'S VLOG! 
    Alfie's vlog when we were at the front!
After all that it was my time, security took my Quality Street which i did get annoyed about because i wanted to give them to him personally, he asked me how i was and hoped i wasn't waiting to long, my reply was "I'm tired and ill but very excited to finally meet you, and i've been waiting 6 and a half hours" his reply was "I hope its all been worth it" so i said "its absolutely amazing and thank you for absolutely everything!" It was time for a super quick selfie before security pulled me away! 
 The best selfie I have ever taken!
After me it was Jess's turn to have photos and she asked me to take a few photos for her from the side, most of them were blurry but i managed to get a few of the best ones to upload to this blog post! Of course i asked her permission before uploading! 
Jess and alfie!
And with all that it was all over, I had met the man who made so happy, one of the many people who i look up to, my role model, my inspiration! At the end we got a picture with Nat who is the cutest person going and without her none of this would of happened as she is one of Alfie's managers down at Gleam Management in London. Jess decided to shower her with compliments and all Nat could say was "awww" it was quite the moment! 
Me, Nat and Jess!
This the end of this blog post i will see you all again next week, one final thing before i go is to quote Alfie's favourite quote which is "Do more of what makes you happy!" 
Alfie's signature in my book!

15 November 2014

1st Ever Blog Post/ about me!

Hey Guys!

This my first ever blog post, i have wanted to start a blog for a while but I've never got round to starting it! To begin with ill start by answering a few questions:


1) Name? Emily Kate Clarke
2) Age? 19
3) Hobbies? St John Ambulance
4) Where do i live? I live in a small town in between Liverpool, Manchester and Blackpool in England


4. Beverage? Starbucks, toffee nut latte 
5. Fruit? Oranges
6. Veggie? Carrots 
7. Meat? Chicken 
8. Dessert? Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie frozen yoghurt
9. Cocktail? Non alcoholic Cinderella alcoholic vodka and orange
10. Season? Autumn (fall) and winter
11. Dream Vacation? Dubai
12. Exercise? Walking
13. Flower? Rose 
14. Scent? Any Yankee Candle! 


15. Coffee or Tea? Coffee 
16. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate 
17. Sweet or Salty? Sweet 
18. Junk Snacks or Healthy Snacks? Junk I love chocolate
19. Reading or TV? Reading
20. Meals, in Front of, or Away from TV? In front 
21. Ocean or Lake & Mountains? Ocean 
22. Visiting or Receiving Visitors? Visiting 
23. Blog or Not Blog? Starting to blog! 

I hope you enjoy my blog and i will see you all soon