1 February 2015

#MakeItHappy Project

Hey Guys!
This is a slightly different post which is filled with procrastination and all that good stuff because all this week I have had a block week in placement and basically done that and nothing else because ive been to tired (might be over worked or maybe anaemia has returned...) although i did go to town at night last weekend for the first time ever which was a really strange experience if I'm being honest although it was fun to just chat to my best friend for a while!

This post is completely not sponsored, I'm to small for any of that malarky and don't really fancy using advertisers, I just want to keep it as my little space on the internet for everyone to enjoy, but I was watching a video by Hannah Hart on YouTube, she has teamed up with Coca-Cola, to help make the internet world a happier place!

Now for me this sparks a big interest as myself has experienced hate on Facebook when I was still in high school, just for having an opinion on something and uploading my own YouTube videos.

Hannah made three YouTubers (Jenna Marbles, iiSuperwomanii and Colleen/ also known as Miranda Sings) read out some of the hate they receive  , then after this she made them read out a positive. This made me think that humans are always so quick to judge other people without thinking how that one comment could affect that person (I have seen this a lot recently through watching Celebrity Big Brother over here in England you honestly need to watch it if you haven't already) and we find it difficult to spread positive vibes around, which is what I try to because of what I've been through.

I thought of a good way to do this as a challenge through blogging, if you leave a super positive comment on the next blog post you read, think about how that would make that blogger feel, a) by know someone enjoys their blog post and b) someone likes them and what their blog is all about. You never friendships me even be made! Also if you have a favourite blogger who has lots of followers (such as Sprinkle of Glitter, Tanya Burr or Zoella) think about how they will feel, also if that person recieves a lot of hate on other social media platforms, they may retreat to their blog for a while and get that warm fuzzy feeling inside that people out there like them for who they are.

I want to try and make more thoughtful posts in the future where i just blurt out everything thats in my head as I think a lot but for now I'll speak to you soon

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