1 March 2015

A Week With My Girlfriend

Hey Guys!
Sorry for the lack of posts recently just nothing has really been that interesting to blog about, until February half term (16th-20th) where my girlfriend travelled from London to Southport (7 hours) to see me and spend five days, Monday to Friday, with me. So I thought to do a blog post to keep some of the memories here.


  My Girl left London to begin the long journey up north at 12:30 and after seven hours of much confusion (due to the coach going different ways than what the itinerary said) and stalking using the National Express coach Tracker I got the text to say that she was finally here. Filled with lots of excitement I literally ran downstairs-as she was meant to text me when she was at the stop before but due to a delay they completely by passed it and went another way- to tell my mum she was in town now and we needed to leave! After a 5 minute journey we met for the 3rd time in 5 years, we then went back to mine and just talked for pretty much the whole night. 

  This was our first full day together so we took a trip into the beautiful city of Liverpool on about two hours sleep, and showed her some of the sights, we took a trip to the World Museum but gave up after about 5 minutes due to it being packed (never go to fairly small museums when its the half term holidays you literally have to trip over children to move around.) we went back into Liverpool ONE and bought each others valentines presents, we agreed that we would choose our own presents but the other person would pay because we never know what to get each other, had a little walk down by the docks, looked for the hotel me and my mum are staying in in May, before getting the train back to Southport and going home 

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Taken down on the waterfront (that light flare though!)

  Today we just stayed in Southport town and had a little impromptu meet up with my best friend, Jess, a couple of the girls from college, Danni and Maria, and Danni's fiance, Andy. This was a fun day which consisted of Starbucks, chats, walking, winning 922 tickets at Funland arcade and a trip to the kids play park (who would of thought we were all 18-20 year old's, personally were all just young at heart.) It was a really good day which was just filled with laughter. Although the weather wasn't the best it was good that a couple of my friends actually got to meet Simone for the first time. 

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Obligatory selfie had to happen!

This was the last full day we got to have together so we just spent it at my house talking and chilling and a little trip to Sainsbury's up the road which it decided to throw it down with rain and ended up getting soaked, bad timing happened. We just sat in the living room and watched tv for a while before dinner, this wasn't what we had planned to do because it wasn't movies, but it was super cosy just spending time together.

  We were up bright and early as Sim's coach was at 10am however we arrived half an hour early due to thinking is was later than what it was and the coach wasn't even there yet so we just spent time outside in the fresh air before she had the 7 hour long journey back down to London. 10 came we said our final goodbyes then she got on the coach and pulled away (I may of cried in the middle of town like an absolute idiot!) after the coach was gone me and mum just went shopping for a food bits before going home and sorting out my room from an amazing week spent with my most favourite person ever! 

This is the end of the post because its long and wordy and I'm nearly crying with emotion right now! Thank you to Sim for making it brilliant I can't wait to see you next (I know your reading it!) and thank you to everyone else for taking time out their day to see what we got up to.
See you all again soon

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